Ikalogic Logic Analyzers

Ikalogic Logic Analyzers

Published In: Hardware Created Date: 2016-02-24 Hits: 4301

If you’re an engineer debugging a micro controller project, a hobbyist struggling with an I2C sensor, or an automobile expert trying to analyze CAN bus data frames, Ikalogic has the product your need.

Our logic analyzers allows you to capture and analyze very fast electronic signals. They are invaluable tools when working on any project involving serial interfaces (like UART, 1-Wire, SPI, etc..). Free ScanaStudio software is used to analyze captured signals. An exhaustive library of Protocols Decoders is provided, but they are all open source, so you can hack them and modify them at will! You can even write your own specific decoder to help you debugging a proprietary protocol.

Tags: Ikalogic