4-Digit Serial LED Display - YELLOW Digit
Description: 4-Digit Serial LED Display YELLOW digit. 7-segment LED displays are used in many projects to visualize informations; their use is simple as lighting a LED, but it should be complicated because of the need to manage a lot of interface signals to organize more than a digit at the same time, especially when the control device used doesn't provide enough I/O lines.
Our board have a built-in 4-digit 7-segment LED display and it requires a minimum of only one I/O line to control it. It is possible to control the display through two different communication interfaces: Serial TTL or I2C.
In addition to standard hexadecimal characters, other special characters can be visualized; it is also available an indipendent control of decimal points, apostrophe and colon.
Communication protocol is very simple and all the informations are sent in a single byte. The most significant two bits represent the character set to be used, further two bits indicate wich one of the 4 digits is having a change and the last significant 4 bits specify the character to visualize.
Downloads: datasheet (english version)
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